
We are the world's leading professional organization for English Teacher.

Second Language Pragmatics

Naoko Taguchi and Carsten Roever Taguchi and Roever present the latest developments in second language pragmatics research, combining acquisitional and sociolinguistic perspective

Language Course Planning

Brian North, Mila Angelova, Elzbieta Jarosz, and Richard Rossner
Practical tips for curriculum and syllabus design. Tasks for reflection on programme revision and enhancement in different institutional contexts.

Explaining English Grammar

A guide to explaining grammar for teachers of English as a second or foreign language. George Yule

How Languages are Learned

An introduction to the main theories of first and second language acquisition (now in a new, updated edition).
Third Edition
Patsy M. Lightbown and Nina Spada

Language Assessment for Classroom Teachers

Lyle Bachman and Barbara Damböck
Step-by-step guidance to using classroom-based assessments.
Written exercises to practice assessment task design.

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