
Explaining English Grammar

A guide to explaining grammar for teachers of English as a second or foreign language.
George Yule

• The author draws on his experience as both a leading applied linguist and a hands-on classroom teacher of English
• Choice of topics and style of explanations focus on the needs of language teachers
• Separates each grammar topic covered into three clear categories: form, meaning, and meaning in context.
• You can read each chapter individually and you don't have to follow the sequence of topics in the book.
• Can be used as a set book or supplementary book on a teacher training course, or by both new and experienced practising teachers as a self-study text


This is a book designed to help teachers understand English grammar and explain it to their students. Each chapter focuses on a problematic area, for example 'Articles', 'Conditionals', and 'Direct and indirect speech', and includes exercises for the reader and teaching ideas.

Reviews and Awards

Shortlisted for the Ben Warren Prize
'A joy to read.' - Judges of the Ben Warren Prize 1999


Published: 12 November 1998
352 Pages | numerous halftones and line drawings
ISBN: 9780194371728

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